Injection & Tumbling Solutions
The world of food is constantly changing due to further globalization, evolving legislation, or the shifting demands of consumers or producers. The past years have shown an upward trend in functional marinating of red meat and poultry products.
Extension of red meat or poultry products by 10 to 15% results in products that are juicier and more tender, and therefore more appreciated by consumers.
D2 Ingredients offers Red Meat and Poultry Meat Injection and Tumbling Solutions Developed and Manufactured by Vaessen-Schoemaker.
Vaessen-Schoemaker (1946) is a specialist in the field of functional mixes for injection, tumbling and filling applications. Using the latest ingredient technology and extensive know how, acquired over the past decades, the Vaeseen-Schoemaker team has been able to develop several new and innovative ranges of products, and their innovative and enterprising approach has resulted in unique functional solutions. These solutions greatly enhance the market value of their national and international customers. These products include, among others: Alomine®, Natuvas® and Vascan®.

Functional Characteristics
Functional, phosphate free brine application for injection and tumbling of fresh red meat or fresh poultry. These functional mixes contribute to higher yields and improve the quality of the meat product.
- Whole muscle and bone-in products
- Fresh and frozen
- Extension: 10-50% red meat
- Extension: 10-75% poultry
- Injection and tumbling
Functional Characteristics
A clean label solution for the injection and tumbling of fresh read meat and fresh poultry. Natuvas aids in achieving an extended product with a natural appearance and taste, while minimizing drip loss.
- Whole muscle and bone-in products
- Fresh and frozen
- Extension: 10-50% red meat
- Extension: 10-75% poultry
- Injection and tumbling
Functional Characteristics
Functional injection and tumbling mixes containing phosphates to optimize textures and yield in cooked products.
- Whole muscle and bone-in products
- Cooked products
- Extension: 10-50% red meat
- Extension: 10-75% poultry
- Injection and tumbling
Functional Characteristics
The extension of shelf-life is a feature which can be incorporated into our functional mixes or added separately. Added separately, it is referred to as Vascan. The Vascan range is composed of both clean label ingredients and food additive preservatives and antioxidants. It provides the product with an extended shelf-life, through microbial reduction, pathogen elimination and antioxidation against rancidity.
- Vascan can be applied in all product categories
Functional Characteristics
Functional dry marinades which can be applied by mixing or tumbling into red meat or poultry products, resulting in tasteful products with an attractive appearance.
- Whole muscle and bone-in products
- Ideal for use in combination with Alomine and Natuvas
- Fresh product
D2 Ingredients is the North American distribution partner for the tumbling and injection product line developed and manufatured by Vaessen-Schoemaker